Our Video Ministry

2020 brought about many challenges and also many new exciting ways to minister to children and their families. One of those new ways is through videos of Bible lessons, verses, object lessons, and topical series. The videos are designed for kids but can be enjoyed by the whole family!

You can scroll down to browse our videos, or you can go directly to a playlists. All of our videos are on our Facebook page also (click here to go). There are some videos in Spanish too!

Nuestro Ministerio de Videos

El año 2020 nos ha desafiado a encontrar otras maneras de ministrar al corazón de los niños y sus familias. Uno de los medios por el cual hemos logrado ministrarles ha sido por medio de videos. Hemos grabado videos con historias bíblicas, enseñanza de versículos bíblicos y lecciones con verdades bíblicas conteniendo temas relevantes al día de hoy. ¡Estos videos han sido diseñados no solo para niños sino también para toda la familia! (pulse aqui)

Puede encontrar todos nuestros videos en nuestra página de Facebook (pulse aquí). Allí encontrará videos tanto en inglés como en español.  Los videos en español los encontrará en la parte inferior de la página.

Our Video Playlists - Quick Connect

To watch videos, you can click on the direct links here, or you can scroll down to see all of the videos.

To go to our “Vids for Kids” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “God’s Word is for Everyone - Object Lessons” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Building a Strong Foundation - God’s Word” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Lord’s Prayer” videos, click here. To go to our YouTube channel playlist, click here.

To go to our “Knowing God through His Names” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Armor of God” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book'“ videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Knowing Jesus through His Names” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

To go to our “Nate Saint: God’s Jungle Pilot” videos, click here. To go to the playlist on our YouTube channel, click here.

The Lord’s Prayer

Please join us in learning about prayer as Dr. Jim Simoneau guides us in unpacking the Lord's Prayer. Check out the series which is for the whole family! (click here)

1) Our Father (click here)

2) Which Art in Heaven (click here)

3) Hallowed Be Thy Name (click here)

4) Thy Kingdom Come (click here)

5) Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is In Heaven (click here)

6) Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (click here)

7) Forgive Us Our Trespasses (click here)

8) As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us (click here)

9) Lead Us Not Into Temptation (click here)

10) But Deliver Us From Evil (click here)

11) For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory Forever Amen (click here)

Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book

Please join us in this limited video series. Dr. Simoneau will take you on a journey to dive deeper in the the wonderful truths taught in the Wordless Book which are from God's true Word, the Bible.

1) Basic Reasons Why We Need to Know Our Amazing God - Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book Part 1. What do you want most of all, and from where do you get it? What do you need most of all? Where should you seek to find the things that you really need? Join Pastor Jim Simoneau as he shares the answers to these and other questions in the first video in the limited series Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book! We'd love to hear from you. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here to watch)

*Message by Jim Simoneau, CEF of NAL Local Director

*Slides by Dr. Harvey Ching

*Edited by Kathryn Burleson, CEF of NAL GNC Coordinator & Teacher Trainer

*Video Editing by Tag Glenn

The Greatness of God's Glory - Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book Part 2. Last time, we learned that we need God because He supplies our basic needs. You and I need to learn more about the One True God and His greatness. Join Pastor Jim Simoneau as he continues in the limited series Diving Deeper into the Wordless Book! We'd love to hear from you. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here to watch)

Vids for Kids

A New Heart. We see a lot of hearts in February and many different kinds of hearts. Did you know that the Bible talks about hearts over 700 times?! When it does, it usually means the real you on the inside. Check out this video to see what God says about your heart and mine and how you can have a new heart! (click here)

Parents, if you'd like a free copy of this object lesson or other great free resources, click on this link: https://kidsenjoyingjesus.com/product/a-new-heart-object-lesson/

Pure as Snow. Snow is beautiful! Each snowflake is unique, but did you know that snowflakes begin with a piece of dust? Snowflakes remind me that God can make anything pure and beautiful - including you and me. Watch to find out how! If you have questions or have believed in Jesus for the first time, we would love to hear from you! You can reach us at CEFofNAL.gnc@gmail.com. (click here)

Don’t Trip! Proverbs 4:19 Have you ever been somewhere and the lights went out? It would be hard to move around in the dark. I know that I would trip over things. Join Rachel to find out what the Bible talks about a different type of darkness. (click here)

I'm a Princess! John 1:12 I'm a real princess! Did you know that you can be a real prince or princess too? Join Kathryn and Rachel to discover how you can become a child of the King. (click here)

You Can Come to God! The One True God is mighty and powerful, and He wants you to know Him. Today Rachel shares how you can come to God in prayer. (click here)

Serving Others? What Do You Mean? Philippians 2:3 What are some nice things that you could do for other people? Maybe you hang out with your siblings or make breakfast for your mom. Check out this video with Maggie to find out what the Bible says about serving others and serving ourselves. (click here)

New Creation! Would you ever tear up an awesome drawing that you just made? Could you put it back together and make it new? Come discover the answers to these and other questions in this video with Rachel. (click here)

The MOST Important Part of the Christmas Tree Do you have a Christmas tree at your home? Christmas tree are wonderful symbols of the season. But there is one part of the Christmas tree that is the most important. Can you guess what it is? Join us in this video to find the answer! We'd love to hear from you! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

Who knows? Proverbs 27:1 Do you know what going to happen today or even tomorrow? You and I make plans, but what if our plans change? Nora shares about someone who really and always knows what going to happen. Check it out! (click here)

Gotcha! Psalm 56:3 Kara sneaked up and scared Sophia! Have you been scared? Maybe you moved to a new school, there was a big storm, or someone sneaked up on you. There is someone who wants to help you in your scary times. Check out this video to find out who and how! (click here)

It never stops! Lamentations 3:22 Wait, what doesn't ever stop? Nope, I'm not going to give it away. Check out this video to discover the answer with Nora! (click here)

The Sickness & The Cure - Jeremiah 17:9 Can you think of a time when you were sick? Maybe you had to go to a doctor to help you get better. But did you know there is a terrible sickness that only God can cure? Kara shares about the worst sickness and the cure in this video! (click here)

What Would You Do? Have you every have a hard time in your life or had someone act unkindly towards you? Check out our "What Would You Do?" skit written, directed, and edited by the CYIA 2022 teens. (click here)

The Gummy Bear Saga. Ephesians 4:32 Oh my! Sophia ate all of Kara's gummies! Should Kara forgive her? Why is forgiveness important? Find out in the answer in this video! (click here)

How Do You Show Love To Others? Romans 5:8 What are some ways that you show love or kindness to others? Did you know that God did something amazing to show how much He loves you? Join Kara as she answers these questions from Romans 5:8 in God's Word the Bible. (click here)

Light of the World - There are so many things to enjoy in the Christmas season. One of my favorite things is decorations, especially all the lights! The lights are bright and pretty. They remind me of the most wonderful and special Light of all; this Light is the reason we have Christmas. Check out this video to find out about this Light!! We'd love to hear from you. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

Hide it! Psalm 119:11 - Have you ever had something that was so important to you that you wanted to hide it to keep it safe and protected? In the Bible, we discover something that God wants you to hide. Watch this video to find out what God wants you to hide and how! We would love to hear from you! If you have questions about believing in Jesus to forgive your sin or have questions about something else, you can contact us by emailing us at cefofnal@gmail.com. (click here)

You Can Thank God for Everyday Things - Have you ever wanted to be a detective? Detectives use different tools to help them. Layne talks about one tool that can also help you think about something about prayer. Check it out! (click here)

Give Thanks - Think about your favorite animal, food, flower, or something else. These are gifts from God, and you can thank Him for all the wonderful things He has given you and done for you. This verse talks about that. (click here)

What Can Wash Away Your Sin? - What can make you clean from the wrong things you do? How can you have a forever friendship with the one true God? Join Kathryn to see in a fun way how the Bible says that you can be made clean and forgiven of your sin. (click here)

Jesus is THE Good Shepherd - John 10:11 - Have you ever seen a sheep or a lamb (a baby sheep)? Maybe at a petting zoo or farm? Sheep need lots of care from their shepherd (the person who takes care of sheep). Listen to hear what our verse today says about THE good shepherd. (click here)

Love with God's Mighty Love - You and I are able to show kindness and love to others, but we can only love from our own ability. If you know Jesus as your Savior, then God can help you love others from His ability to love with His mighty never-ending love. Check it out to find out more! (click here)

Only Jesus Satisfies Your Greatest Need! - John 6:35 - Have you ever been really really hungry? Or maybe you’ve played so hard that you were very thirsty and just wanted a drink of water? I know I have! Our verse today talks about a different and more important hunger and thirst and how these big problems can be solved. (click here)

The Good News Recipe - Have you ever followed a recipe? Maybe you made cookies, brownies, or even a meal. In this video, Kathryn shares with you a recipe that can change your life forever. Check it out! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

No Greater Love - God's love is amazing! It is perfect, pure, and unchanging - just like God. In His mighty love, God gave the greatest gift to you and me to make a way that we can be rescued from being separated from God. Check out this video to discover more! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

God Can Change You - Do you like science? In this video, you will see an experiment that you can do at home with your parents' permission. This experiment reminds us of the the truth from the Bible about Jesus' work in the lives of everyone who trusts in Him as Savior. When you believe in Jesus, you are forgiven and become part of God's forever family. Jesus then works in your life every day as you follow Him to change you to become more like Him in your words, thoughts, and actions. If you have questions about this video or anything from the Bible, we would love to talk with you! You can reach us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

What Easter is All About - Chocolates, eggs hunts, bunnies, and parties are so much fun. But did you know that while these things are fun, they are not what Easter is really about. Join Kathryn to discover the real reason to celebrate Easter! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

Good Works are Like a Paper Chain - Making paper chains can be fun, but they aren't very useful because they are so weak. If you try to hang weight on them, they break. Did you know that trusting in the good things that you do to get you to God in Heaven is like trusting a paper chain to hold up a bowling ball? It will not work! Mrs. Kippy shares with you about a great strong chain that you can trust - the only way to God in Heaven! We'd love to hear from you! You can contacts us cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

Death and Forever Life - Many people are wonder about death; they often try to find ways to stop death or to live longer and longer. Why is there death? How did it begin? The Bible tells the true answers and also one way that God made so that you could has His forever life. Watch this video with Mrs. Vickie to find out! We'd love to hear from you! You can reach us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

Gentleness - What is it? - Often in disagreeing with people, we try to win our arguments by arguing and shouting when often a much quieter and calmer way will do so much better. Usually, the more we fight with people, the more that they want to fight back! Did you know that God wants you and me to be gentle and kind to others? In this video, Mrs. Pat tells a story about the sun and the wind and shares what gentleness really looks like. Check it out! (Click here)

The Ultimate Valentine - Valentine's Day. There is not really another day quite like it. So much fun about it - cards, candy, flowers, jewelry, and parties! In this video, Kathryn shares with you about the Ultimate Valentine. Check it out to find out what it is and who gives it! Felt board used with gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

Being Happy with What God Gives You - Let's say I have 9 coins. What if I invited two people to come with me, and I gave one 5 coins and the other 4 coins? Would that be fair? Tune in to this video with Mrs. Vickie to find out the answer and to learn what God says about wanting what others have. (Click here)

The Bible is Our Light - Have you ever been in a totally dark place where there was no light at all? Maybe it was a cave, a basement, or some other place. Maybe you did not know where you were or how to get out of that dark place. That can be very scary. That is why some people are afraid of the dark. Flashlights are made to help you when you are in dark places. Did you know that God’s Word is like a lamp – we might say, like a flashlight? Join Mrs. Betsy in this video to discover how God's Word is like a lamp! (Click here)

The Gift of Grace - On your birthday, you probably get one of these - a birthday present! Do you like birthday presents? Now be careful. This next question is a trick question. How many of you earned your birthday presents? The answer is nobody. Nobody earns real presents. People are supposed to give presents because they want to give presents. Did you know that God has a gift for you? Check out this video with Mrs. Betsy to find out about God's gift! (Click here)

A Penny and the Gospel - Did you know that a penny can remind you of how you can share the good news of Jesus with others? It can! Mrs. Kathy is excited to talk with you about how you can use a penny in a way other than for shopping. Check it out! (click here)

God’s Glory - Do you know what a bowl, a shoe, book, and a globe have in common for the Christian (someone who has believed in Jesus as Savior)? And a hint: It is not the letter “o.” The answer is very simple and basic. All these things are to be used for the glory of God to show people how great God is and how much He loves us. Mrs. Betsy shares how in today's video. Check it out! (click here)

The Bible is Our Measurement - Why do we measure things with a ruler or tape measure? When a builder uses a ruler or tape measure, he’s trying to get things just right. He wants to be sure he has just the right measurements for his building. Did you know that God planned the universe and measured it? Find out about God's perfect measurements in our video today with Mrs. Betsy! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

A New Creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - At New Years, many people make a resolution. They decide to make a change, such as maybe they will exercise or eat better. Our verse today tells of how you can be changed and made new. Check it out! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

And He Will Be Called - Isaiah 9:6 - What are some names or titles that you go by? For me, I have Kat, Kitty, sister, daughter, and many more. Our verse today tells of some very special names and titles for someone extremely important. Watch to find who and the names! (click here)

The Message of the Candy Cane - Candy canes are tasty and sweet, but did you know that a candy cane can help you to know and share the true meaning of Christmas? Check it out! (click here)

What is a Gift? - If something is a gift, do you have to work really hard to get it? Can you buy it or earn it somehow? No! A gift is given because someone wanted to give you a gift, and it is usually from someone that cares about you or loves you. In this video, Kathryn shares with you about a wonderful gift. Tune in to find out for whom is the gift, who gave it, and what it is! (click here)

God Keeps His Promises - Matthew 1:21 - Has anyone ever told you "I promise?" Or maybe you have said that to someone. Sometimes things happen, and we can't keep our promises. God always keeps His promises though! Our verse today is our a wonderful promise that God kept. Watch to find out! (click here)

The Sweetest Treat - Candy canes, gifts, and decorations can be such fun treats during the Christmas season, but do you know what is the Sweetest Treat? Turn in to learn about the Sweetest Treat! (click here)

Born This Day - Luke 2:11 - Aren’t babies just the cutest?!? They are so tiny and precious. Hearing that a baby has been born is reason to celebrate. But the birth of one very special baby was the biggest reason to celebrate and praise God. Our verse today tells about this baby. Watch to find out more! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (Born This Day - click here)

Coupon for a Free Gift! Have you ever gotten a coupon to receive something for free? In this video, Kathryn shares about a very special coupon from God to you. Check it out! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (Coupon for a Free Gift! - click here)

The BEST Good News - Luke 2:10. Do you like hearing good news? I know I do! Our Bible verse today tells of the very best news!! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (The BEST Good News - click here)

The Greatest Gift. Let's think about some of the gifts God has given as we discover the Greatest Gift He has given. (The Greatest Gift - click here)

Disappearing Sin. This a story about you! Check it out! (Disappearing Sin - click here)

Two Birthdays. Did you know that there are two kinds of birthdays? Kathryn shares with you how you can have two birthdays too! (Two Birthdays - click here)

God Loves the World. Have you every thought about how big the world is? Tune in to hear about the world and how God showed His great love to the whole world. (God Loves the World - click here)

The Perfect Fit. Did you know that there is an empty space in your heart? Kathryn shares about how people try to fill that space and what is the only thing that can truly fill it. (The Perfect Fit - click here)

Key to Heaven. How can you get to Heaven? Many people have many ideas. Kathryn talks about "keys" people try to use to get to Heaven and about the "One Key" to Heaven. (Key to Heaven - click here)

God Wants You to have a Friendship with Him. Did you know that God wants to have a special friendship with you? He does! Kathryn shares about that wonderful relationship and how you can have it. (God Wants You to have a Friendship with Him - click here)

The Most Amazing True Story. Using colors and shapes, Kathryn shares the most amazing true story which is from God's True Book, the Bible. (The Most Amazing True Story - click here)

Kids Questions about Prayer. Kids (and adults) often have many questions about prayer: when, how, where, who, and more. Kathryn answers many of those questions in this video. (Kids Questions about Prayer - click here)

Knowing Jesus though His Names

Names are important! In the Bible, people’s names described that person and told you something about them. In our last video series, we began to discover more about the One True God through some of His names in the Bible. Now we are beginning a new adventure to understand more about Jesus, God the Son, through some of the names He has in the Bible. (Click here to go to our YouTube channel playlist.)

1. Immanuel - God With Us. One name comes especially to mind as we celebrate the Christmas season: Immanuel! Check out this video to find out what this name means and why it's so special! We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

2. Light of the World. Have you ever been somewhere at night, and the power went out? Everything is dark! Even if you know the room, you will probably bump into something. It’s hard to get anywhere. If only you had a flashlight! A light makes all the difference. This reminds me of another name of Jesus! We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

3. Bread of Life. Oh, I am so hungry! Wait a minute, I just bought some bread I could eat for a snack! In many countries today, bread is a big part of meals. Long ago, it was one of the main things people had for food, and they would go hungry if they didn’t have any. They couldn’t survive long with it. Did you know that one name of Jesus talks about bread? We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

4. Lamb of God. Have you ever seen or petted a lamb? They are cute and soft. Lambs can make us think of gentleness and innocence. But for the people where Jesus lived, another image would have come to mind. Of what did it remind them? And what do a lamb and this image have to do with a name of Jesus? We'd love to hear from you. You can reach us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

5. King of Kings. Have you ever seen a real-life king or queen? Most people will never get to meet one. But did you know that you can have a personal friendship with the greatest king of all? Listen closely to find out how and what this has to do with a name of Jesus. We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here) Available 1/27/23

6. The Word. Words have power. What you say can help and encourage others or hurt and tear them down. What we say and how we say it is important. Words have power. Today we are going to discover what words have to do with a name of Jesus. We'd love to hear from you. Connect us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here) Available 2/10/23

Nate Saint: God’s Jungle Pilot

If your family or church would like a FREE copy of this exciting story, you can click the link below to download the whole story to enjoy it for yourselves. https://kidsenjoyingjesus.com/product/nate-saint-gods-jungle-pilot/

**You can believe (trust) in Jesus to forgive you of your sins whenever you are ready. You can tell God what you know and believe about Him and you: that you are sorry for your sin, that you believe Jesus paid for your sin when He died and came back to life, and that you want God to forgive you and to help you live His way. **If you have believed in Jesus as your Savior from sin, God can help you to live His way and to tell others about Him! **If you believed in Jesus for the first time today or have questions about believing in Jesus or about the Bible, we would love to hear from you! You can reach us at cefofnal.gnc@gmail.com.

If you missed a previous episode, you can CLICK HERE to go to our YouTube playlist to find it. If you don’t like spoilers, you may not want to read the descriptions until you are ready to watch the videos.

The Young Mechanic. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 1. Have you ever wondered how something works? Have you ever had to fix something? We’re going to learn a true story about someone who was always super curious about the way things worked. His name was Nate Saint. God used his curiosity, creativity, and skills for fixing and inventing to help many people and even save lives! (CLICK HERE) - available Aug 4, 2023

The Christian Soldier. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 2. In episode 1, Nate got some terrible news! He knew he belonged to Jesus, so he was not afraid. But he also did not like being sick. He had to stay in bed the entire summer while his brothers played and ran around outside. Would Nate’s leg get better? Would he be able to walk again? Find out in this episode! (CLICK HERE) - available Aug 11, 2023

The Jungle Mechanic. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 3. In episode 2, Nate received a letter from his father that told about a way Nate could be an airplane pilot and mechanic and a missionary at the same time! Was it really possible!? Could he be a missionary by using his skills as a pilot, mechanic, and engineer? Was this God's purpose for his life? Find out in this episode! (CLICK HERE) - available Aug 18, 2023

The Jungle Pilot. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 4. In episode 3, we saw how God had given Nate and Marj skills and talents they could use to do this important work. As they trusted and obeyed him, God was helping them discover his purpose for their lives! After Nate and Marj traveled to tell churches about why missionary pilots were needed and raised money for their work, they soon had the money they needed to go to Ecuador as missionaries! What would life as a missionary pilot and nurse be like? Check out this episode to discover what happened! (CLICK HERE) - available Aug, 25, 2023

The Jungle Martyr. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 5. In episode 4, Nate thought maybe he could use the plane to help the Waodani learn about Jesus. Nate prayed and asked God to help the Waodani hear about Jesus. Would his airplane help make it possible? Join this episode to find out. (CLICK HERE) - available Sept 1, 2023

The Jungle Legacy. Nate Saint: God's Jungle Pilot - Part 6. In episode 5, the missionaries' families were very sad when found out the missionaries had been killed. But they didn't hate the Waodani or want to get even with them. Marj told their 3 children that their Daddy was in Heaven now and she taught them to love and forgive the Waodani for killing him. The families trusted that God had a plan and purpose even in this difficult time. Nate Saint and the others had given their lives to help the Waodani learn about Jesus. It was sad, but God had a plan to use this sad event to help millions of people around the world learn about Jesus. How would God do it? Join this final episode to find out! (CLICK HERE) - available Sept 8, 2023

Knowing God through His Names

If someone ask you "Who are you?", you usually reply with your name. It identifies you and helps you get to know someone. Names are important. In the Bible, people's names often described that person and told something about him or her. God wants you to know Him! We are about to begin an adventure to know more about the One True God by looking at some of His names in the Bible. (Click here to go to our YouTube channel playlist.)

1. God (Mighty Creator) - Elohim Check out this video to find out about the first name God uses for Himself in the Bible - Elohim! To discover more about Elohim, check out our verse video. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

1b. God - Elohim - Genesis 1:1 Have you ever wondered how the stars, oceans, jellyfish, tigers, or even people got here? Many people have different ideas. How can you know the truth? Our verse today tells us the answer! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

2. The God Who Sees Me - El Roi Have you ever felt all alone or maybe like no one noticed when you needed help? Most of us have at one time or another. There was a woman in the Bible who very much felt this way. In her difficulties, she discovered something amazing about God. Her name was Hagar, and this is her story of knowing God through one of His names. You can find out more about the name El Roi in our Genesis 34:15 verse video! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

2b. The God Who Sees Me - El Roi - Psalm 34:15 Have you every used binoculars or looked through a telescope? These help you to see things that are far away. We use many other tools to help us to hear things that are quiet or far away. Did you know that God doesn’t need anything to help Him to see and hear? Listen to what our verse says about something in particular that God sees and hears. You can find out more about the name El Roi in our Bible lesson video! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

3. God Almighty - El Shaddai - Genesis 17:1b Have you ever made a promise and not been able to keep it? Maybe you said you’d go over to visit a friend after school but found out that you have a school project that you have to do instead. Things happen that can change our plans. With God, he is always able to keep His promises; He has all power. Listen to what name God calls Himself in our verse. You can find out more about the name El Shaddai in our Bible lesson video! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

3b. God Almighty - El Shaddai When God made everything, He made it to follow patterns or plans. A tadpole grows into a frog. An acorn grows into an oak tree. The planets move in orbits around the sun. While there are many things that people can learn and do with God’s creation, there are many things that people just can’t do. But God can do things that are impossible for us! God showed this truth about Himself to a man named Abram. You can find out more about the name El Shaddai in our Genesis 17:1b verse video! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

4. The Everlasting God - El Olam Sometimes it can seem like things can take forever, like when you are waiting for your birthday or a special trip. Other times it seems like things go by way too fast, like when you are enjoying Christmas day or playing with a friend. Things are constantly changing around us. We plan out much of our lives by day and time and often have to change our plans. But this is not true for God. Abraham had many changes in his life, and he discovered an important truth about God in the name El Olam. Let’s find out what it is! To know more about El Olam, check out our Isaiah 40:28b verse video. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

4b. The Everlasting God - Isaiah 40:28b Do you like to play sports or go for a hike or walk? Sometimes people say that they like something so much that they could do it forever. This is a way to say how much you like something because you really can’t play soccer or baseball forever. You’d get tired and can’t actually keep going forever. Listen to what our verse says about God and forever To know more about El Olam, check out our Bible video: 4. The Everlasting God - El Olam. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

5. The LORD Will Provide - Jehovah Jireh. Abraham had been told by God to do something incredibly hard. Could he do it? Would he? Why would God tell him to do something so difficult? How would God keep His promise if Abraham obeyed? As we find the answers to these questions, we will also discover an important truth that Abraham learned about God in the name Jehovah Jireh. Let’s find out what is happening! We'd love to hear from you! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

5b. The LORD Will Provide - Philippians 4:19a. As Jamie walked through the toy isle, he kept seeing things he wanted. “Mom, I need this!” he’d say. After a few times doing this, his mom gently replied, “Jamie, these are not things that you really need. They would be fun to have and you want them, but need is different than want.” You and I have many things that we want, but most of those things we don’t actually need. Our verse today tells about something important about our needs. We've love to hear from you! You can reach us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

6. Yahweh (Jehovah) The LORD - The Self-Existing One. How is that bush on fire but not burning up?? This is what a particular shepherd in the Bible wondered. Today we will discover an important truth about God in the name Jehovah that this shepherd learned. Let’s find out what is happening! We'd love to hear from you! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

6b. Yahweh (Jehovah) The LORD - Exodus 3:14. Who are you? I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, teacher, and dog mom . When I introduce myself to someone, I give my name and then often one of those titles that means something to that person. Listen to what name and title God gave to a man named Moses when Moses asked who he should say sent him to the people of Israel. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

7. Adonai - Lord & Master. Masters and servants. We don’t hear much about this relationship, and often we don’t like the idea of being a servant and of having someone over us. We want to be in charge of ourselves and do what we want. But did you know that in the Bible God is called Lord & Master? As we learn about today’s name of God, we are going to find out why He has the right to be your Master and what that means for you and me. We'd love to hear from you! You can reach us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-339-1733. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

7b. Adonai - Lord & Master Psalm 16:2. My nieces love to make art projects. They can tell you all about them. What they have made belongs to them, and they are in charge of what they’ve made. Our verse today talks about the One who made you and everything in the universe and is in charge. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. We'd love to hear from you! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

8. Jehovah Rophe - The LORD Who Heals. The people of Israel were full of joy and thankfulness to God! They even sang songs praising Him and telling of how great He is. But something was about to happen, and they would be complaining instead of praising. In this time, God would show them more of who He is through His name Jehovah Rophe. What’s happening, and what does this name of God mean? Check out this video to find out! We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

8b. Jehovah Rophe - Isaiah 53:5b. As a kid, I played hard and got lots of cuts and scrapes; my mom would clean my hurt (wound) and put on a bandage to help me heal up. Sometimes I was sick and had to go to a doctor for medicine. I had wounds and sicknesses and needed help to be healed. Did you know the Bible tells us about the worst kind of sickness that we all have and how it can be healed? Check out this video to find out! We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here) - Available 3/25/22

The Armor of God

God has given amazing armor to those who have believed in Jesus as Savior. Check out this series to find out about the importance of armor, the enemy, and the pieces of the armor of God. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 1 - You can know God! - Did you know that God wants you to know Him and to be part of His forever family? Check how you can know God and find out some great things God says about those who know Him. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 2 - What is a Soldier of Christ? - When you know Jesus as Savior, there are many new names your called by God: His child, saved, redeemed, a disciple, a Christian, a soldier of Christ! But what is a soldier of Christ? Check out this video to find out! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 3 - The Enemy - The ultimate war is good against evil - God against the enemy. But who is this enemy? Watch to find out. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

The Armor of God, part 4 - The Importance of Armor - Did you know that God gave "armor" to many of the animals? Check out this video to hear about their armor and about why the Armor of God is so important for those who have believed on Jesus. -Bonus: Can you hear the armored helicopters in the background? People have used God's idea of armor to protect themselves. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 5 - The Belt of Truth - The first piece of the Armor of God is the… Tune in to find out what it is, how this piece of armor was used by the Roman soldier used it, and how the Christian soldier uses it! (click here)

The Armor of God, part 6 - Breastplate of Righteousness - Do you know what a breastplate does as part as part of the Roman soldiers' of armor? Watch to find out why it was important for the soldier and what the breastplate of righteousness is for those who have believed in Jesus! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 7 - Shoes of the Gospel of Peace - Shoes for the Roman soldier were very important. Soldiers would often march far, and they need sturdy shoes. Their shoes were made to help them in battle too. Check out this video to learn about the soldier's shoes and about the shoes that God gives as part of His armor to believers! Felts used by gracious permission form Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 8 - The Shield of Faith - Join Kathryn to hear about the next piece of the armor of God - the Shield of Faith! What did the shield mean to the Roman soldier, and how did he use it? What is the shield of faith? How can it help the Christian? Tune in to find out! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, Part 9 - The Helmet of Salvation - Earlier we learned about how important it is for a soldier to protect his heart and lungs with the breastplate, but did you know that your head needs special protection too? It does! You need to protect your head with a helmet when riding a bike or roller blading. Adults need helmets at many jobs too. Watch this video to find out why a helmet is so important for the Christian soldier! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 10 - The Sword of the Spirit - Did you know that of all the pieces of armor that God gives to the Christian only one piece is made for offence or to attack the enemy? In this video, you will discover what this piece is and how to use it! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 11 - The Darts of the Enemy - God's enemy Satan doesn't want anyone to know, love, or obey God. He uses tricks and things around us to try to get us to go against God. But if you have believed in Jesus as your Savior, you have God's armor to protect you! Watch this video to learn about some of the "darts" that Satan uses and how the armor protects you! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. We would love to hear from you! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 12 - Our Secret Weapon - When you believe on Jesus as your Savior, your new life with God begins. We are all living in a spiritual battle. As a Christian, you have God’s armor to help you, and you need to be trained in how to claim spiritual victory in Christ Jesus. Although we have already talked about the six pieces of the spiritual armor which Paul mentions, we still have one vitally important piece left. And although we looked earlier at what many people think is the only weapon in the list—the sword of the spirit—today we come to another weapon which is just as powerful, maybe even more powerful at times. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

The Armor of God, part 13 - How to Use the Weapon of Prayer - Last time, we learned about a secret weapon that is part of the armor of God. Do you remember what that is? Right, it’s prayer! Prayer is powerful warfare activity. We are at war! Prayer is not chatting on the phone with God, it is the frantic radio calls of a platoon of soldiers under heavy fire calling for air support. God! Send in help! We need You, and we need your help now! Today we are going to discover how to use prayer as your weapon. You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. We would love to hear from you! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (click here)

Discovering more about God - Bible lessons

Following God’s Directions: Cain & Abel Bible lesson - To be to play games and have fun together, you need to follow the directions. Our lesson today tells about some people who had to choose whether to follow God's directions and come to Him His way or not. Would they do it? (click here) Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way to Have Hope: Jairus' daughter Bible lesson - Jairus and his wife were afraid and felt hopeless. Their daughter was dying! Suddenly Jairus remembered someone he had heard about, someone who was known for working in hopeless situations! Who was this person? Tune in to find out! (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way to God: Naaman Bible lesson - What would you do if you had a problem that you couldn't make better? What if there was nothing and no one in the world that could help you? In our Bible lesson today, there is someone with a terrible problem, and it seemed like there was nothing that could help him. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God Wants to Forgive You: The Prodigal Son Bible lesson - Parties are so much fun! One day Jesus talked about a huge, exciting party and someone who didn't want to go! This person was angry about the party! Listen to find out who this person was. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God is Merciful: Rahab Bible lesson - Is there anyone who is exactly like you? We are all different. Sometimes people don't like other people because they look or act differently. But God made each person unique - one of a kind. The Bible reminds us that His love and mercy are for all people! In today's Bible lesson, a woman learns about God and His mercy. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible - Learning about the Bible

Digging into Your Bible, Part 1 - Have you ever wondered what's in your Bible, how it's divided, and how to find a verse? Tune in to the first episode of this series "Digging in to Your Bible!" (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 2 - Join Rachel for the second episode of "Digging into Your Bible" to learn more about what is in your Bible and extras that may be included in your Bible. Let's dig in! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 3 - Have you ever wondered why there are so many different Bibles? Tune in to this third episode of "Digging into Your Bible" to find out more! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 4 - Have you ever wondered how to dig into your Bible, such as where to begin or how to go deeper? In part 4 of Digging into Your Bible, Rachel helps you to know how to dig deeper! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 5 - Have you ever wondered how God wrote the Bible? In Digging into Your Bible part 5, Rachel talks about how God gave us His Word. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 6 - We have learned a lot about the Bible so far - how it's divided, how it came to us, about God who wrote it. But today Rachel shares why you should read your Bible. Check it out to find out why! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here) For the Stuck at Home devotional, click here. For our GNC Bitmoji Hangout, click here.

Building strong foundations - Bible verses

For our full “Building a Strong Foundation - God’s Word” YouTube channel playlist, click here.

Don’t Trip! Proverbs 4:19 Have you ever been somewhere and the lights went out? It would be hard to move around in the dark. I know that I would trip over things. Join Rachel to find out what the Bible talks about a different type of darkness. (click here) available July 21, 2023

I'm a Princess! John 1:12 I'm a real princess! Did you know that you can be a real prince or princess too? Join Kathryn and Rachel to discover how you can become a child of the King. (click here) available July 7, 2023

Serving Others? What Do You Mean? Philippians 2:3 What are some nice things that you could do for other people? Maybe you hang out with your siblings or make breakfast for your mom. Check out this video with Maggie to find out what the Bible says about serving others and serving ourselves. (click here)

Who knows? Proverbs 27:1 Do you know what going to happen today or even tomorrow? You and I make plans, but what if our plans change? Nora shares about someone who really and always knows what going to happen. Check it out! (click here)

Gotcha! Psalm 56:3 Kara sneaked up and scared Sophia! Have you been scared? Maybe you moved to a new school, there was a big storm, or someone sneaked up on you. There is someone who wants to help you in your scary times. Check out this video to find out who and how! (click here)

It never stops! Lamentations 3:22 Wait, what doesn't ever stop? Nope, I'm not going to give it away. Check out this video to discover the answer with Nora! (click here)

The Sickness & The Cure - Jeremiah 17:9 Can you think of a time when you were sick? Maybe you had to go to a doctor to help you get better. But did you know there is a terrible sickness that only God can cure? Kara shares about the worst sickness and the cure in this video! (click here)

What Would You Do? Have you every have a hard time in your life or had someone act unkindly towards you? Check out our "What Would You Do?" skit written, directed, and edited by the CYIA 2022 teens. (click here)

The Gummy Bear Saga. Ephesians 4:32 Oh my! Sophia ate all of Kara's gummies! Should Kara forgive her? Why is forgiveness important? Find out in the answer in this video! (click here)

How Do You Show Love To Others? Romans 5:8 What are some ways that you show love or kindness to others? Did you know that God did something amazing to show how much He loves you? Join Kara as she answers these questions from Romans 5:8 in God's Word the Bible. (click here)

Hide it! Psalm 119:11 - Have you ever had something that was so important to you that you wanted to hide it to keep it safe and protected? In the Bible, we discover something that God wants you to hide. Watch this video to find out what God wants you to hide and how! We would love to hear from you! If you have questions about believing in Jesus to forgive your sin or have questions about something else, you can contact us by emailing us at cefofnal@gmail.com. (click here)

Jesus is THE Good Shepherd - John 10:11 - Have you ever seen a sheep or a lamb (a baby sheep)? Maybe at a petting zoo or farm? Sheep need lots of care from their shepherd (the person who takes care of sheep). Listen to hear what our verse today says about THE good shepherd. (click here)

Only Jesus Satisfies Your Greatest Need! - John 6:35 - Have you ever been really really hungry? Or maybe you’ve played so hard that you were very thirsty and just wanted a drink of water? I know I have! Our verse today talks about a different and more important hunger and thirst and how these big problems can be solved. (click here)

I am Who I am - When you first meet someone, you normally learn his or her name. This helps you get to know that person. Did you know that most names having meanings behind them? My name means “pure.” In the Bible, people’s names described that person and told you something about them. People are sometimes even today named because of what the name means. Listen to what name God gave to a man named Moses when Moses asked who he should say sent him to the people of Israel. We would love to hear from you! You can contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

A New Creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - At New Years, many people make a resolution. They decide to make a change, such as maybe they will exercise or eat better. Our verse today tells of how you can be changed and made new. Check it out! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (click here)

The Beginning of Love - 1 John 4:19 - Have you every said "I love you" to someone? Most if not all of us have. Our verse today tells of someone who loved you before anyone else. Watch to find out who and how much! Felt board used with gracious permission from Betty Lukens. (Click here)

The BEST Good News - Luke 2:10. Do you like hearing good news? I know I do! Our Bible verse today tells of the very best news!! Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733. (The BEST Good News - click here)

God’s Great Grace Ephesians 1:7 - Have you ever heard the word "grace?" Tune in to hear about God's great grace and how you can have it. (click here) Check out this link to hear this verse to song! (verse song - click here) Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Jesus is the Way John 14:6 - If you were invited to a party, how would you get there? You would need to know the way. Today's verse tells the way that God made for you to come to Him. Tune in to find out the Way! (click here) To hear this verse to a fun song, check out this link! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God Made a Way for You to Come to Him 1 Peter 3:18 - Have you every done something wrong and gotten in trouble? What if someone came and said he will take your punishment for you? Our verse today talk about that! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!

What Goes on Forever Jeremiah 31:3b - Have you ever wanted something to go on forever? Our verse today tells of something that will never end! (click here) Check of this fun song with the verse! Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Important information for you - John 20:31 - Have you ever wondered what a word means or wanted to know more about something? I can be fun to find answers, but to find to the most important information for your life now and forever, you need to go to God's Word. In today's verse, listen to find out one reason God's Word was written! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!

God Loves the World - John 3:16 - Think about what is precious to you. How would you feel if you had to give it up. Our verse today tells about someone precious who God chose to give for you. Check it out! (click here) Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens. Contact us at cefofnal@gmail.com or 334-399-1733.

Bring Glory to God Whatever You Do - 1 Corinthians 10:31 - How could a firefighter, teacher, or store worker bring glory to God? Today's verse tells how we can bring glory to God whatever we do. Watch to find out! (click here) Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

How to Find Your Way - Psalm 119:105 - How can you find your way in the dark? How can you find the right way in your life? Today's verse gives the answer. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God is Love - 1 John 4:8 - Has anyone ever done something really nice for you, like maybe your friends or family? They are showing that they care about you and love you! Did you know that someone loves you even more than anyone else? Our verse today talks about this. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

We All Fall Short - Romans 3:23 - Have you every tried to throw a basketball and missed the hoop? The ball fell short of the goal. There are all things where we fall short or don't make the goal. Our verse today tells of something of which everyone falls short. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

You Can Know This for Sure! - Job 19:25-26 - What is something you know 100% for sure? Maybe your name or that you will land on the ground every time that you jump up. Our verse today talks about something you can absolutely know 100% for sure! Check it out. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

The Amy Carmichael story

Amy Carmichael, part 1 - Have you ever wanted something very much and told "no?" There was something Amy wanted very much. Would the answer be "yes" or "no?" Tune in to find out! (click here) Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

Amy Carmichael, part 2 - Can Amy find a way to save the children? Check out the second part of the true story of Amy Carmichael. (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 3 - Last time, we ended with Amy wondering where the temple found all the children. Will she discover the answer and be able to rescue more children? Tune in to find out! (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 4 - Do you remember the name of the older girl who ran away to get Amy's help? Would she be able to stay with Amy, or would her family force her to come with them? Watch to find out! (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 5 - Would Amy be able to buy the land so that she can be able to rescue more children? Watch the final chapter of Amy to find out! (click here)
Felts used by the gracious permission of Betty Lukens.

You can talk to God! - Learning about prayer

Crosswalk sign - What does a crosswalk sign have to do with prayer? Watch to find out! (click here)

One Way Sign - Tune in to find out what a One Way sign tells about about prayer! (click here)

Stop To Pray - Have you ever seen a stop sign? Tune in to find out what a stop sign tells us about prayer! (Click here)

No limits - Have you seen a speed limit sign? It says you can only go this fast. Tune in to find out what a speed limit sign has to do with talking to God! (click here)

Sing to Him - Songs

King of the Jungle song - Who is the King of the Jungle? Join Rachel and Evan as they share about the King with a super fun and active song. (Click here)

Jesus Loves Me song - Do you think Jesus loves little children? He does! Join us for this fun song about Jesus' love. (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

Stop and Go song - Have you seen a traffic light before? Did you know that the red and green lights can remind you about stopping to hear about Jesus and going to tell others about Jesus? Check out this fun song! (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

The 7 Most Important Things song - While there are many very important things, tune in to find out what are the 7 most important things! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way song - "One way God said to get to heaven..." Sisters Kara and Sophia share a fun song about the one God way made for you to know Him and have your sin forgiven. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Videos para Niños

Esta sección contiene vídeos para niños, pero también son para toda la familia.
Nuestro equipo comparte lecciones Bíblicas verdaderamente emocionantes, versos divertidos para memorizar, enseñanzas de oración, cantos geniales, y más.

¡No puedes hacerlo, eres muy chico, no eres fuerte! - ¡No puedes hacerlo, eres muy chico, no eres fuerte! ¿Alguna vez te han dicho estas cosas? En este video encontrarás la historia de un joven que confiando en Dios pudo hacer lo que nadie pensó era posible. 1 Samuel 17 Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic) - 4/19/2021

¿Te gusta la ciencia? - ¿Te gusta la ciencia? Aquí verás un experimento bastante sencillo que puedes hacer en casa con el permiso de tus padres. Este experimento nos recuerda la verdad bíblica de la obra de Jesus en la vida de todo aquel que confía en El. Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic) - 4/12/2021

la celebración de las Pascuas - ¡Conejos, dulces, huevos y golosinas! Estas cosas y muchas más las disfrutamos con nuestras familias para esta época. ¿Pero sabias que la celebración de las Pascuas no tiene nada que ver con conejos, dulces, huevos ni golosinas? Te animamos a que veas este vídeo y aprenderás la verdadera celebración de las Pascuas. Lucas 24 Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic)

el domingo de Ramos - ¿Sabías que la Biblia está llena de profecías que ya se han cumplido? Muy pronto estaremos celebrando el domingo de Ramos, conocido también como el día de la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén, montado en un burro o pollino. Aquí te detallamos otras profecías que también se han cumplido, ¡te animamos a que las busques en tu Biblia y lo leas tú mismo! Zacarías 9:9 cumplido (Lucas 19:35), Isaías 53:6 cumplido (Mateo 26:56), Salmo 22:18 cumplido (Lucas 23:34). Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic)

Como ser santo de acuerdo a la Biblia - ¿Sabías que todos los hijos de Dios son llamados santos? ¿Te sorprendes? Te animamos a que veas este video para que aprendas la historia de un hombre que llevó la palabra de Dios a Irlanda y que muchos lo conocían como santo; pero aún más importante, aprenderás cómo tú también puedes ser santo. Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. Versículos de referencia: Apocalipsis 14:12, Romanos 8:26-27, Salmos 37:28, Efesios 4:1-13 (haz clic)

¿Te sientes triste? ¿Tienes algún temor? - ¿Te sientes triste? ¿Tienes algún temor? ¿Sabes lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros? ¡Ve este video y lo descubrirás! Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic)

Bastón de Caramelo - ¡El bastón de caramelo que comemos en la navidad es sabroso! ¿Sabías que aparte de ser delicioso, con el bastón podemos aprender algo de Jesús? Ve el vídeo y verás cómo. Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic)

La Esencia de la Navidad Nunca Cambia - Isaias 9:6 - Esta Navidad es muy diferente a la navidad de años anteriores; tenemos que usar máscaras, mantener distancia social......pero el motivo de la navidad, lo que celebramos en esta época permanece igual. En este video podrás saber porque la esencia de la navidad nunca cambia. Para más información sobre el contenido del video, por favor escríbenos a este correo: cefofnal.giselle@gmail.com. (haz clic)

¿Por qué suceden cosas malas? ¿Por qué suceden cosas malas? ¿Será que Dios no me conoce? ¿El sabe lo que me pasa? Es posible que en ocasiones te harás estas preguntas, quizás cuando estás triste o ves lo que pasa alrededor. En este video podrás entender que dice la Biblia sobre estas cosas y qué ha hecho Dios para remediar nuestra condición de pecado. (Romanos 5:12, Romanos 6:23, 1 Corintios 15:3-4) Muchisimas gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros. cefofnal@gmail.com (¿Por qué suceden cosas malas? - haz clic)

Juan 14:6 -  ¿Has pensado sobre cómo puedes llegar a Dios? Raquel tiene un juego divertido usando el versículo Juan 14:6 donde te dará la respuesta a esta pregunta.  (haz clic)

Una enseñanza sobre la señal del paso de peatones - una enseñanza sobre la oración. ¿Qué tiene que ver un paso de peatones con la oración? ¡Mira el video para que puedas aprender la relación que tienen! (haz clic)

¿Quién sufrió tú castigo? 1 Pedro 3:18a - ¡Alguien sufrió un gran castigo en tu lugar! Mira este video para que aprendas lo que sucedió. . (haz clic) Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros

Jeremias 31:3b - ¿Has pensado alguna vez "Quiero que una cosa nunca deje de existir"? Nuestro versículo de hoy nos habla de algo que nunca dejará de existir, nunca cesará. Mira el video para aprender que es. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros. cefofnal@gmail.com

Él Pagó por Todo - El dinero puede comprar mucho, pero... ¿Sabes que hay una cosa que el dinero no puede comprar? ¡Este video te dirá que es! (haz clic) Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros. cefofnal@gmail.com

¿Qué es lo que más amas o aprecias? Juan 3:16 - ¿Qué es lo que más amas o aprecias? ¿Sabías que Dios dio lo más precioso de El por ti y por mi? ¡En este vídeo podrás aprender que hizo Dios por amor por ti! (haz clic)

Tus manos te pueden ayudar a orar - ¿Sabías que puedes usar los dedos de las manos para recordar orar por personas en tu vida? Mira este video para aprender cómo lo puedes hacer. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros. cefofnal@gmail.com

Una promesa de la Biblia sobre la tierra - Génesis 8:22 - ¿Te dan miedo las noticias sobre el medio ambiente? En este video te compartimos un versículo que puede traer paz a tu corazón. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros. cefofnal@gmail.com

¿Sabías que Dios quiere ayudarte con tus heridas? Salmos 147:3 - ¿Sabías que Dios quiere ayudarte con tus heridas? Dios te ama. Este video tiene más información. (haz clic)

¿Sabes por qué se escribió la Biblia? - Juan 20:31 - Este video te ayudará a entender el porqué. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

Génesis 1:1 - Hay muchos “dioses” en el mundo pero solo la Biblia habla del Dios verdadero quen es el Creador. Aprende más en este video. (haz clic)

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado: ¿Es mi vida un buen testimonio para otros? ¿Cómo te portas cuando estás con tus amigos, tu familia o en la iglesia? Mira este video para entender qué tan importante es tener un buen testimonio delante de todos no importa donde estés. 1 Pedro 3:15 (haz clic)